About Me

I am an artist and like to dabble into all kinds of mediums… My current mediums are food and photography! I enjoy cooking and photographing the food I cook as well as the food other’s cook. Food is one of the things I can talk to you about for hours and love feeding people good grub! I started cooking when I was young. I remember my uncle sent a New York times cook book to my father, and when you live out in the Boonies there isn’t much to do….. so….. I picked up the book and started thumbing through it. The first thing I decided to cook from the “New York Times” cookbook were cream puffs. It took about 3 trials before I perfected it. Sadly, that would not be the start of my passion for cooking. I would fiddle with cooking on and off , but not until about 3 years ago ( 2009) when I volunteered to work a few shifts in the a kitchen.

I have worked in the restaurant business for about 5 years now: Hostess, Bartending, Cooking, Waiting tables…. pretty much all of it… I don’t cook for a living right now, I wait tables and dabble with photography. I do most of my cooking at home. My boyfriend is a vegetarian so I cook a lot of vegetarian meals. I would say I am about 96% vegetarian and occasionally I will eat some meat. I am actually thankful he is a vegetarian it has been a fantastic challenge and an adventure for me. I have learned new techniques in vegetarian cooking. I hope you enjoy my blog.



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